ABSTRACT:In this four-year study, fruits of Golden Delicious cv. randomly sampled from four different orchards on M 9 were kept at 1 or 2 o C in air storage, and in the course of storing individually assessed for weight, skin colour, skin blush, skin waxiness, flesh firmness, vitamin C content, total acid content, pH value, total sugars, dry matter and calcium content. Changes in some of these fruit quality characteristics during storage are presented and compared with their course during storage both in the cellar and ULO. The maximum storage life of the fruits in the air storage was estimated at 150 days on average. From individual fruit data, correlations between all the observed characteristics at different stages of the storage period were calculated. Fruit weight was positively correlated with dry matter, vitamin C, sugar and acid content, but negatively correlated with flesh firmness and calcium content. Fruits with more skin blush were correlated with higher vitamin C. Flesh firmness was mostly correlated with dry matter content, but negatively correlated with calcium content and pH values. Vitamin C content was positively correlated with total acids, but negatively correlated with pH values, sugar:acid ratio and calcium content. Total acids were negatively correlated with pH values and sugar:acid ratio. At the end of the storage period, the total acid content was also correlated with dry matter content. Total sugars were closely correlated with dry matter content and negatively correlated with calcium content. Calcium content was very closely negatively correlated with dry matter content, and also negatively correlated with the sugar:acid ratio. waxiness, flesh firmness, vitamin C content, total acid content, pH value, total sugars, dry matter and calcium content. Skin colour was rated by using a 1-9 rating scale (1 completely green and 9 deep yellow). Skin blush was estimated as a percentage of the total skin area. Skin waxiness was rated by using a 1-9 rating scale (9 no waxiness). Flesh firmness was measured with a penetrometer (Model FT 327; R. Byrce, Alfosine, Italy). The content of vitamin C, sugars and acids were rated by titration (utilising standard curves). The content of soluble solids was determined on the basis of weighing before and after drying. The content of calcium was determined by flame atomic spectroscopy. On each fruit, an assessment of all characteristics was completed. From each orchard and each time of assessment, 5 fruits were assessed. All results were tested by analysis of variance. Means were separated by Tukey's "least significance difference" test at P < 0.05 (LSD). Data of all individually assessed apples (with the exception of samples taken from ULO storage) before storing, in the middle of the storage season and at the end of storage were analysed by correlation analysis separately.
RESULTSThe mean values of the assessed characteristics and theirs spans in particular years are given in Table 1. Apples were the smallest and poorest in calcium in 2000, whereas in 2002 the...