SUMMARYThe neonatal feeding therapy has been changed in the last years, exclusive breast feeding is stimulated. Some people doubts about needs of suplementation during the first hours of life. 103 newborns were included, all were normal, without any risk factors. Divided in 2 groups: EBF (52): Exclusive Breast Feeding and SBF (51): Suplementation (two 5% dextrose suplements) and Breast Feeding. Glycemia, hematocrit, EPG (Especific plasmatic gravity) were used for statistics. Glycemia at birth oscillated between 75 and 98mg%, after 6 hours decreased to 63 and 78mg%. Highest media and biggest standard desviation, has been seen in SBF group at 6 of live. Glycemia rised more quickly in patients who received suplement. The hematocrit, EPG and weight have similar variations in al groups. We conclude that administration of dextrose suplement is unnecessary to keep the glycemia and hidratation of the normal newborn even if breast feeding starts within the first 12 hours of life (Rev Med Hered 1993;1:20-25) KEY WORDS: Breast feeding, newborn, suplementation, newborn glycemia.
RESUMENLas prácticas en la nutrición del recién nacido han variado; se fomenta la lactancia materna exclusiva y se discute la necesidad de administrar un suplemento de glucosa y agua durante las primeras horas de vida para mantener la glicemia e hidratación. Para investigar al respecto se estudiaron 103 neonatos normales y sin factores de riesgo, divididos en 2 grupos: Lactancia Materna Exclusiva (LME) (52), Lactancia Mixta (LMX) (51), 2