Sediment pore-water dissolved organic matter (DOM) in two North Dakota prairie pothole lakes was quantified by dissolved organic carbon analysis (DOC) and its composition was characterized as a function of sediment depth for molecular weight distribution (MWD), molar absorptivity at 280 nm (e280), and fluorescence properties. Fluorescence excitation emission matrices were further analyzed by creating a Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) model specific to sedimentary pore-water DOM. The range of absolute pore-water DOC concentrations (, 26-183 mg C L 21 ) greatly exceeded abundances reported for other wetlands and generally increased with depth. Significant changes occurred in e280 and fluorescence seasonally. Prairie pothole pore-water DOM is primarily allochthonous in nature and three 'humic-like' components explained , 90% of total sample fluorescence, while a single 'non-humic' component was responsible for the remaining 10%. The contribution of the non-humic component, however, was more significant in the top 7 cm of sediment in samples collected in early autumn and is presumably derived from algal precursor material produced by primary production in the water column over the summer. The PARAFAC results corroborate e280 and MWD changes in pore-water DOM composition over the growing season. This dynamic process could affect the type of DOM available for biogeochemical processes seasonally.The majority of the upper Midwest and Northern Great Plains regions of the north-central United States and southcentral Canada are a glaciated prairie containing an abundance of freshwater, saline, and hypersaline depressional wetlands, known as prairie pothole lakes (PPLs), in relatively flat outwash plains and hummocky moraines (Winter and Rosenberry 1998). PPLs were formed glacially during the late Pleistocene Epoch and cover an area of , 700,000 km 2 of the United States and Canada, known as the prairie pothole region (PPR; van der Valk 2005). They are an important lacustrine and hydrologic feature in this part of North America.Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an integral role in a variety of biogeochemical processes in wetland and lacustrine ecosystems and influences ecosystem function in a variety of ways. DOM also plays a vital role in the overall global carbon cycle (Lam et al. 2007), in oxidationreduction reactions (Hakala et al. 2009), and has been shown to serve as an electron acceptor for microbial respiration (Lovely et al. 1996). Further, organic contaminants can be transformed in the presence of natural DOM in anoxic environments (Hakala et al. 2009;Zeng et al. 2011Zeng et al. , 2012.One well-studied wetland complex in the PPR is the Cottonwood Lakes Study Area (CWLA) in Stutsman County, North Dakota. Eighteen small pothole lake basins comprise the wetland complex. The CWLA has been investigated extensively since the 1960s (Winter and Rosenberry 1998;Euliss et al. 2004;Holloway et al. 2011) with respect to its hydrologic, chemical, and biologic attributes. To date, however, little is known about th...