Abstract. We analysed the soluble form in which the nudear pore complex protein p68 is stored in Xenopus /acpis eggs and its involvement in pore complex assembly processes, We have shown previously that p68, which is the major wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-binding glycoprotein 01' nudear pore complexes from Xcnopus 00-cytes, is located in the pore channel and partieipates in mediated transport 01' karyophilic proteins. Using a monodonal antibody direeted against p68 (PlI) we re11l0ved this protein from XCIlOPUS egg extract by immunoadsorption, On addition 01' lambda DNA the immunodepleted extraet supported reconstitution ofnudei which were surrounded by a continuous double-membrane envdope but lacked pore complexes and were unable to import karyophilic pro teins such as nudeoplasmin or lamin L m , Essentially identical results were obtained with extract depleted 01' WGA-binding proteins. Our finding that both the anti-p68 antibody and WGA efficiently removed components from the extraet neeessary lor pore complex assembly but did not interfere with nudear membrane formation demonstrates that these processes are independent 01' each other. Analysis 01' the immunoprecipitate on silver-stained SDS-polyaerylamide gels indicated that the antibody adsorbed other proteins besides p68, notably two high molecular weight components. By sucrose gradient centrifugation and gel Illtration we showed that p68 together with associated protein(s) forms a stable, approximately globular eomplex with an M, 01' 254,000, a Stokes radius 01' 5.2 nm and a sedimentation coelTicient 01' 11.3 S. Our tinding that p68 occurs in the form 01' larger maeromolecular assemblies offers an explanation for the distinetly punctale immunofluorescence pattern observed in the eytoplasm 01' mitotic cells after staining with antibodies to p68.