Changes in low-stress mechanical and surface properties of seven cotton fabrics due to a cellulase treatment were examined by the Kawabata's evaluation system method. The induced weight loss of the fabrics was approximately 5%. The cellulase treatment had a tendency to decrease all parameters of bending, shear and surface properties. The majority of the parameters that bore a significant relation to the fabric construction factors were surface properties. Except for bending rigidity, changes in bending and shear parameters were smaller for cotton fabric than for polyester spun fabric, treated with sodium hydroxide. These results confirmed that the hydrolysis of the cotton fabrics by cellulase took place in the interior of the fibers.Changes in primary hand qualities of the cotton fabrics exhibited the following trends: HARI decreased, whereas SHINAYAKASA and KISHIMI increased. These were the same trends shown by a polyester filament fabric, which was treated with sodium hydroxide and became silk-like.