Various ways of innovative technologies applying for the development of bread using whole-wheat flour of different wheat grades were investigated in this article. Cavitation and ion-ozone technologies were used as innovative technologies. Wheat grades III, IV and V, as well as off-grade wheat were used during the study. When determining the quality of wheat grains, the amino acid composition of proteins is of great importance. Therefore, the total amino acid composition of wheat samples was determined. Bread baking using innovative technologies was carried out on the basis of the Almaty Technological University. The photos of the obtained bread products using innovative methods from whole-wheat of different grades were given in the article. The resulting bread products were investigated by organoleptic, physico-chemical and some rheological indicators. According to the results obtained, the use of cavitation and ion-ozone processing plays a decisive role in assessing the quality of bakery products, and the wheat grade from which the bread was baked has also a significant effect. The obtained bread products in comparison with the control sample had higher organoleptic characteristics; for a number of physicochemical and organoleptic indicators, a sample of bread from whole-ground wheat of grade III appeared to have more favorable characteristics. According to the results of the research, it can be stated that the use of cavitation and ion-ozon processing, together with the targeted use of a certain wheat grade, can give more attractive results of the obtained bread products in comparison with the control sample.