The worldwide expansion of hybrid breeding and clonal forestry is to meet the demands of paper pulp and bioenergy. Although India was one of the pioneers in hybrid production of eucalypts only recently the hybrid clonal forestry is gaining momentum. Inter-specific hybrids are being produced to exploit the hybrid vigor of F1 individuals. Quality control genotyping for hybrid purity and parentage confirmation at the early stage is one of the essential criteria for clonal propagation and field trails for the assessment of growth performance. Eucalyptus being a obligatory outcrossed species with potential to self pollination, possibilities of pollen contamination are high. Hence, in the present study, Eucalyptus camaldulensis × E. tereticornis inter-specific hybrids were genotyped using 25 fluorescent labeled microsatellite markers available in public domain. Multiplex loading of PCR products was performed successfully for most of the microsatellite loci. Hybrid purity index was calculated and parentage was confirmed. Hybrid purity values ranged from 85 to 100 % showed the efficiency of controlled pollination techniques. A subset of six fully informative simple sequence repeats was identified for routine quality control genotyping for these hybrids. Detection of non-essential genotypes observed among the hybrid seedlings proved the significance of hybrid purity tests and the false hybrids were removed at the seedling stage. The hybrids with proven hybridity will be used for generation of genetic linkage, discovery of quantitative trait loci and the individuals with high productivity can enter into mass clonal multiplication.