Microphotometric measurements are used to investigate the functional properties of Ca'-sequestering smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) in leech photoreceptors . 10-30 intact cells are mounted in a perfusion chamber, placed between crossed polarizers in a microphotometer, and permeabilized by saponin treatment. Subsequent perfusion with solutions containing Cat+ , MgATP, and oxalate leads to Ca uptake by SER. When the solubility product of Ca-oxalate is exceeded in the SER, birefringent Ca-oxalate precipitates form in the cisternae, leading to a large increase in the optical signal recorded from the preparation . The rate of increase in light intensity is used to measure the rate of Ca uptake .Ca uptake rate is linear with time over much of its course, can be switched on/off by the addition/withdrawal of Ca t+ , ATP, or oxalate to/from the medium, and is inhibited by mersalyl and tetracaine . The Ca uptake mechanism has a high specificity for MgATP (KM,MgATP is~0 .8 mM) . Uptake rates observed with dATP, GTP, UTP, ITP, and CTP are only 20-30% of the rate measured in ATP. The Ca pump has a high affinity for Ca 2+ ions : the threshold for activation of the pump is -5 X 10 -8 M, the apparent KM,c,, is -4 X 10 -7 M . When Na' or Li + is substituted for K+ , Ca uptake rate is decreased by 40-50% .The results show that the Ca t+ -sequestering SER in leech photoreceptors shares some basic properties with skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum and supports the idea that certain subregions of the SER in invertebrate photoreceptors function as effective Ca 2+ sinks/buffers close to the plasmalemma.Direct evidence from measurements with Ca 2+ indicators (6,8,9,26) and Ca'-sensitive microelectrodes (6), as well as indirect evidence from electrophysiological experiments (see, for example, references 1,15,24,25,35), suggest that the free calcium concentration (Caû,+) in the cytosol of photoreceptor cells of invertebrates increases upon illumination. Several laboratories have shown that this light-induced increase of Cap' modulates the adaptational state of the cells (see reference 7 for review), a Cat+-dependent potassium conductance (see, for example, reference 17, 18, 38), and mediates the light-induced pigment granule migration in fly photoreceptors (22) .We have very little direct information about the structures and mechanisms which regulate Cû,' in invertebrate photoreceptor cells . This means that we do not know the capacities or relative contributions of the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), mitochondria, and Ca2' binding macromolecules to the regulation of Cap+ (see reference 10 for review) nor THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY " VOLUME 93 JUNE 1982 849-859 ©The Rockefeller University Press -0021-9525/82/06/0849/11 $1 .00 is the influence of light (if any) on these Ca"-buffering structures understood .In two preceding papers (43,46) it was demonstrated, using cytochemical methods, that in leech photoreceptors defined subregions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) accumulate Ca" in an ATP-dependent ...