The regulation of voltage-activated Ca2+ current by acetylcholine was studied in single freshly dissociated smooth muscle cells from the stomach of the toad Bufo marinus by using the tight-seal whole-cell recording technique. Ca2+ currents were elicited by positive-going command pulses from a holding level near -80 mV in the presence of internal Cs' to block outward KV currents. Ca2+ current was greatest in magnitude at command potentials near 10 mV. At such command potentials, acetylcholine increased the magnitude of the inward current and slowed its decay. The effects of acetylcholine were seen in the absence of external Na' or with low Cl (aspartate replacement) in the bathing solution and could be mimicked by muscarine. The peak of the current-voltage relationship for the Ca2+ current was not discernibly shifted along the voltage axis by acetylcholine. These results demonstrate that activation of muscarinic receptors not only Acetylcholine, acting directly on muscarinic receptors in the smooth muscle cell membrane, causes depolarization, action potential generation, and, ultimately, contraction in a wide variety of smooth muscle types (1). To investigate the mechanism of acetylcholine action, we have used a preparation of freshly dissociated smooth muscle cells from the stomach of the toad Bufo marinus, where acetylcholine has been shown to exert an excitatory action (2-4). These cells have the advantage that their electrical activity has been extensively characterized by current-clamp (5, 6), voltageclamp (7,8), and patch-clamp (9) techniques.Recently, we demonstrated that one mechanism of muscarinic action on these smooth muscle cells is suppression of K+ current (2). This current bears a general similarity to the muscarine-sensitive K+ current, designated M-current, which was first described in sympathetic neurons (10)(11)(12) Series resistance compensation proved to be unnecessary since it was calculated that maximum inward currents produced a 2-to 5-mV error due to the series resistance and that the increase in current induced by acetylcholine or muscarine produced a 0.5-to 2-mV error. In what is referred to below as the standard voltage-clamp paradigm, the membrane potential was held at -78 mV for 6 sec, with alternating 3-sec command pulses to -98 and +9 mV, providing a total recovery time of 15 sec for the inward current. Deviations from this paradigm are indicated.Current and voltage signals were stored using an FM tape recorder, digitized later at a rate of 1 kHz after filtering (8-pole Bessel filter, 300-Hz cut-off) and analyzed with a PDP-11/73 computer system (Indec Systems). Traces shown in the figures were further filtered by using a digital gaussian filter (23), and in these cases the filter cut-off and effective sampling frequency are specified in the figure legends. Capacitive transients were blanked for reasons of clarity. Subtraction of the capacitive transients and leakage current with scaled averages of small (10-20 mV) hyperpolarizing pulses demonstrated that the inward curren...