The objective of this study was to evalute the tocochromanol distributions, lipid components and molecular species of triacylglycerols (TAG) in three colored rice bran cultivars. The dominant tocochromanol were -tocotrienol, -tocopherol and -tocotrienol with smaller amounts of -tocopherol, -tocopherol and -tocotrienol. These lipids comprised mainly TAG (78.0-81.6 wt%), free fatty acids (FFA: 5.6-8.8 wt%), and phospholipids (PL: 6.3-7.0 wt%), while other components were present in minor proportions (0.4-2.3 wt%). Sixteen different TAG molecular species were detected and quantified by successive applications of AgNO 3 -TLC and GC. The major TAG molecular species were SM 2 (6.1-9.8%), S 2 D (4.8-7.3%),M 3 (16.4-18.7%), SMD (6.2-9.2%), SD 2 (6.5-9.5%), SMT (6.3-7.7%), M 2 D (12.3-15.5%.), MD 2 (8.4-10.4%), SDT (4.3-5.4%) and D 3 (10.2-15.2%) (where S, M, D, and T denote saturated FA, monoene, diene, and triene, respectively). The results showed that colored rice bran lipids contain large amounts of nutraceutical with proven positive health effects.