Liver cell dysplasia is the term originally applied by AnLarge cell change (LCC), characterized by cellular enthony et al. 1 in 1973 to cytologically atypical hepatocytes largement, nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromasia, showing cellular enlargement, nuclear pleomorphism with and multinucleation of hepatocytes, is a common lesion hyperchromasia, and multinucleation. In their study, this in cirrhotic livers, but its nature, significance, and pathoalteration was uncommon in normal livers and occasionally genesis remain uncertain. Therefore, we assessed the noted in cirrhotic livers, particularly with chronic hepatitis prognostic value of LCC as a marker of subsequent hepato-B infection, but was most prevalent in cirrhotic livers bearing cellular carcinoma (HCC) through a case-control study hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Because of this relationthat compared pretransplant liver biopsy specimens from ship, liver cell dysplasia, later termed large cell dysplasia, 37 cirrhotic liver transplant recipients with HCC to speciwas proposed to represent a premalignant change.1 mens from a control group of recipients without HCC, Over the succeeding 25 years, however, this proposal has matched for sex, age ({5 years), and cause of cirrhosis.been contested, and other workers have concluded that large LCC was identified in 16 (43%) of the study and 7 (19%) cell dysplasia instead represents a regenerative or degeneraof the control group biopsy specimens. By matched-pair tive phenomenon. Evidence has been marshalled to support analysis, LCC conveyed a moderately increased risk of both sides of this controversy, but much of the data are later HCC with an estimated odds ratio of 3.3 (95% CI, conflicting or circumstantial in nature, and no consensus has 1.2-15; P Å .038). However, a pathology review of 45 been reached as to the nature or significance of the alteration.
HCCs showed adjoining LCC in only 12 (27%) and didBecause of this lingering uncertainty, the pathogenetically not suggest a morphological transition or a histogenetic noncommittal term large cell change (LCC) is now recomassociation between the two lesions. LCC hepatocytes dismended as an alternative designation.2 played a low proliferative rate by Ki-67 or proliferating The controversy over LCC poses a practical conundrum: cell nuclear antigen immunostaining (labeling indices of Should it receive special notice as a potential precursor of 0.27 and 0.73) but showed a greater degree of apoptosis malignancy, or should it be dismissed as an inconsequential than normal hepatocytes (labeling indices of 1.9 and 0.23; marker of chronic liver injury? To address this issue, we P Å .03) To reconcile these findings, we propose that LCC evaluated three different aspects of LCC. First, we performed derives from derangements in the hepatocyte's normal a case-control study to evaluate whether the presence of LCC process of polyploidization. Such derangements, possibly presaged any increased risk for the subsequent presence of caused by chronic inflammation-induced DNA damage, HCC...