For food potato, one of the important factors in the quality of tubers is the low content of solanine in tubers, determined visually by the presence of green tubers. The purpose of the research was to improve the physical and mechanical parameters of the habitat of potato plants, increase the yield of tubers and reduce the number of green tubers with an increased solanine content during growth by increasing the width of row spacing. The research was carried out in the Moscow region. The main production method for reducing the greening of tubers (increasing the solanine content in tubers) was chosen to grow potato for food purposes in wide ridges or rows chequerwise (110 +30) and (120+30) cm. With such placement, not only a more uniform maintenance of optimal moisture, density, hardness and temperature of the soil is ensured, but also the soil layer around the tuber nest is retained to ensure a decrease in the number of green tubers by 4.4…6.5%. As a result, the cultivation of potato in rows allowed to increase the commercial yield by 1.2…5.5 t/ha (9…19%).