Background: Combination of poor dental hygiene and poor dental treatment lead to multiple missing teeth. Perio-dontics, orthodontics, oral & maxillofacial surgery, and prosthodontics treatments were undertaken in proper timing and sequence with an interdisciplinary approach. Objective: Proper diagnosis, treatment planning and teamwork were crucial to solve difficult cases. Case: A 30-year-old unilateral cleft lip and palate female patient with Class III malocclusion and several missing maxillary anterior and posterior teeth and mandibular posterior teeth came to the clinic to improve both her esthetic and function. Patient had a unilateral cleft lip and palate. Management: After initial periodontal care was completed, orthodontic treatment was completed to prepare her orthognathic surgery. Space consolidation and occlusion correction were also completed to prepare her for final prosthesis post surgery. Partial dentures were delivered by the prosthodontists. As a result, a stable Class I occlusion with good esthetic and func-tion treatment results were achieved. Conclusion: The case showed that proper diagnosis and treatment planning is very important especially in an interdisciplinary treatment of Class III malocclusion patient.