Background. The pulmonary arterial and venous vessels are innervated by parasympathetic cholinergic nerves. However, the studies, performed on the isolated rings of pulmonary vessels, can not give answer to the question about the role of cholinergic mechanisms in the changes of pulmonary circulation in full measure.
Aim. The comparative analysis of the changes of the pulmonary macro- and microhemodynamics after acetylcholine, atropine, pentamine and nitroglycerine treatment.
Materials and methods. The study was carried out on the anesthetized rabbits in the condition of intact circulation with the measurement of the pulmonary artery pressure and flow, venae cavae flows, cardiac output, and also on isolated perfused lungs in situ with stabilized pulmonary flow with measurement of the perfused pulmonary artery pressure, capillary hydrostatic pressure, capillary filtration coefficient and calculation of the pulmonary vascular resistance, pre- and postcapillary resistances.
Results. In the conditions of intact circulation after acetylcholine, pentamine and nitroglycerine treatment the pulmonary artery pressure and flow decreased, the pulmonary vascular resistance did not change as a result of decreasing of pulmonary artery flow and left atrial pressure due to diminution of venous return and venae cavaе flows. On perfused isolated lungs acetylcholine caused the increasing of pulmonary artery pressure, capillary hydrostatic pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, pre- and postcapillary resistance and capillary filtration coefficient. After M-blocker atropine treatment the indicated above parameters of pulmonary microcirculation increased, on the contrary, after N-blocker pentamine treatment they decreased. Nitroglycerine infusion caused less decreasing of the parameters of pulmonary microcirculation in comparison with effects of pentamine, but capillary filtration coefficient decreased to a greater extent. These data indicate that nitroglycerine decreases endothelial permeability of pulmonary microvessels.
Conclusion. After activation or blockade of cholinergic mechanisms in the condition of intact circulation the calculated parameter of pulmonary vascular resistance is depended from the ratio of the pulmonary artery pressure and flow and left atrial pressure, which are determined by the venous return. The different character of the changes of pulmonary microcirculatory parameters after M-blocker atropine and N-blocker pentamine treatment is evidence of reciprocal relations of M- and N-cholinoceptors in the nervous regulation of the pulmonary microcirculatory bed.