Calcium is recognized as an important intracellular messenger with a pivotal role in the regulation of many cytosolic and nuclear processes. Gangliosides of various types, especially GM1, are known to have a role in some aspects of Ca 2+ regulation, operating through a variety of mechanisms that are gradually coming to light. The present study provides evidence for a sodium-calcium exchanger in the nuclear envelope of NG108-15 neuroblastoma cells that is potently and specifically activated by GM1. Immunoblot analysis revealed an unusually tight association of GM1 with the exchanger in the nuclear envelope but not with that in the plasma membrane. Exchanger and associated GM1 were located in the inner membrane of the nuclear envelope, suggesting this system could function to transfer Ca 2+ between nucleoplasm and the envelope lumen. The GM1-enhanced exchange was blocked by cholera toxin B subunit while C2-ceramide, a recently discovered inhibitor of the exchanger, blocked all transfer. Exchanger activity was significantly elevated in nuclei isolated from cells that were induced to differentiate by KCl + dibutyryl-cAMP, a treatment previously shown to promote up-regulation of nuclear GM1 in conjunction with axonogenesis. Similar enhancement was achieved by addition of exogenous GM1 to nuclei from undifferentiated cells. These results suggest a prominent role for nuclear GM1 in regulation of nuclear Ca 2+ homeostasis. et al. 1991;Kocsis et al. 1994).The present study was undertaken to determine the specific role of GM1, which was suggested to contribute to this altered regulation of nuclear Ca 2+ (Wu et al. 1995b;Ledeen et al. 1998). We have obtained evidence for the presence of a sodium-calcium (Na-Ca) exchanger in the NE that is strongly associated with and potentiated by GM1. This exchanger was detected by immunocytochemistry in the NE of cortical neurons and NG108-15 cells, and its function demonstrated in isolated nuclei from the latter. ] i , intracellular calcium content; Ctx B, cholera toxin B subunit; Ctx B-FITC, cholera toxin B linked to fluoroisothiocyanate; Ctx B-HRP, cholera toxin B linked to horseradish peroxidase; db-cAMP, dibutyryl cyclic AMP; DMEM, Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; DTT, dithiothreitol; HPTLC, high-performance thin-layer chromatography; Membr. Mix, mixture of non-nuclear membranes; NE, nuclear envelope; NPP, nuclear pore protein; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.