achieve food self-sufficiency. Through sustained competition, rich countries impose their products and consumption patterns, thus weakening local production and, in turn, the economies concerned. To cope with this situation, major efforts are being made to increase production. In this context, the State of Senegal has always supported the promotion of local cereals through the implementation of specifically dedicated programs (GOANA, rice self-sufficiency, etc.). The development of the agro-food sector has received particular attention in recent years, making it one of the most dynamic sectors of the country's economy.Cereals are the main staple foods in the Sahel countries and the world at large. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important food crops in the world [5] and is considered a major source of nutrients due to its daily intake [6,7,8]. This cereal is generally used in feeding after several post-harvest operations such as threshing, winnowing and milling [9]. The latter is a unitary processing operation which results in a loss of nutrients, in particular the mineral elements. Among the technologies developed to reduce nutrient losses during hulling, is parboiling. Rice parboiling consists a hydrothermal treatment of paddy rice followed by steaming and drying before milling [10,11]. It is the most important operation with the potential to improve the efficiency of milling and the economic value of paddy rice as well as the nutritional quality of the finished product.The aim of this bibliographic review is to present the current state of parboiling, with emphasis on technological and physicochemical characteristics, the influence of certain factors on quality of rice parboiling, its impact on rice quality and nutritional contributions.
MethodologyWe have used the search engines:The Google scholar database, a direct science on the key words "paddy rice and parboiling, parboiling and technological and physicochemical characteristics, parboiling and influence of certain factors on the quality and parboiling and its nutritional intakes"
AbstractIn order to combat food insecurity and ensure food selfsufficiency, Senegal and most of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa have chosen to transform their local products into the agricultural food sector. Parboiling is one of the responses to this food insecurity. It is a post-harvest operation which results in physico-chemical and organoleptic modifications that are advantageous from the nutritional and economic point of view. This work, based on a through and up-todate documentary review, aims to make the genesis of the improved parboiling method of paddy rice by focusing on the technological and physico-chemical characteristics, the influence of certain factors on quality of rice parboiling, its impact and nutritional intakes.