Localization of Na 1 , K 1 -ATPase-rich cells in the gill and urinary system of Acipenser persicus fry was performed through immuno£uorescence light microscopy using a mouse monoclonal antibody IgGa 5 raised against the a-subunit of chicken Na 1 , K 1 -ATPase. Di¡erent types of epithelia were clearly identi¢ed in the gill epithelium: epithelia of branchial arch, interbranchial septum, ¢lament and lamellar epithelium. The Na 1 , K 1 -ATPase-rich cells were found in the epithelia of branchial arch, interbranchial septum, ¢lament, interlamellar region and also in the lamellae. Histologically, the urinary system is divided into head kidney, trunk kidney and short caudal kidney. The head kidney is composed of the pronephric tubules and the haemopoietic tissues, while the trunk kidney is composed of a large number of glomeruli and convoluted nephrons. Each nephron consisted of a large glomerulus and tubules (neck, proximal, distal and collecting tubules) which connected to ureters. Posteriorly, ureters extended and joined together to form a small urinary bladder. In the urinary system, no speci¢c £uorescence staining was observed in the glomerulus, neck segment and proximal tubules. The distal tubule cells and collecting tubule cells showed a strong immunostaining of Na 1 , K 1 -AT-Pase. Epithelia of ureters and urinary bladder also showed several isolated immuno£uorescent cells. Immuno£uorescent cells were rich in Na 1 , K 1 -ATPase enzyme which is very important for osmoregulation.