Tillage and nitrogen (N) application influence soil-chemical properties and crop productivity. In a long-term (76-yr) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-fallow system in northeast Oregon, we assessed the effects of tillage (subsurface-sweep, sweep; offsetdisk, disk; and moldboard plow, plow) and N application rates (0, 90, and 180 kg N ha −1 ) on soil organic matter (SOM), soil-chemical properties in 0-to-30-cm soil profile, and wheat yields. Sweep and disk exhibited more pronounced vertical gradient in soil chemical properties within the 0-to-30-cm soil profile than plow due to shallow soil mixing. Across N rates, at 0-to-10-cm depth, sweep and disk had lower pH (0.60), calcium (Ca; 0.32 g kg −1 ), magnesium (Mg; 83 mg kg −1 ), and estimated cation exchange capacity (CECe; 1.8 cmol kg −1 ), but higher SOM (9 g kg −1 ) and aluminum (Al; 26 mg kg −1 ) than plow. Below 10 cm, plow had lower pH (0.67-0.83), Ca (0.29-0.31 g kg −1 ), and CECe (1.7-1.8 cmol kg −1 ), but higher Al (13-16 mg kg −1 ) than disk and/or sweep. Across tillage treatments and depths, pH, Ca, Mg, and CECe generally decreased, whereas phosphorus, potassium, and Al increased with increasing N rates. Wheat yields increased by 14% from N application but did not differ between 90 and 180 kg N ha −1 . Sweep and disk produced 9% less wheat yield than plow. Long-term N application and grain removal of basic cations resulted in surface soil acidification under sweep and disk, which if not remedied, can decrease wheat productivity in this region.Abbreviations: CECe, estimated cation exchange capacity; iPNW, inland Pacific Northwest; N 0 , 0 kg N ha −1 ; N 180 , 180 kg N ha −1 ; N 90 , 90 kg N ha −1 ; SOM, soil organic matter; WW-F, winter wheat-fallow system.