Five strains of bacteria isolated from nodules of Caragana bicolor and Caragana erinacea in Yunnan Province of China were classified within the genus Mesorhizobium in the class Alphaproteobacteria. The highest degree of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity was determined to be to Mesorhizobium loti LMG 6125 T (99.7 %) and Mesorhizobium ciceri UPM-Ca7 T (99.7 %). Polyphasic taxonomic methods including SDS-PAGE of whole-cell soluble proteins, comparative housekeeping sequence analysis of atpD, glnII and recA, fatty acid profiles and a series of phenotypic and physiological tests allowed us to cluster the five strains into a coherent group while differentiating them from all previously established Mesorhizobium species. The DNA-DNA relatedness between the representative strain CCBAU 65327 T and the type strains of M. loti and M. ciceri was 26.5 and 23.4 %, respectively, clearly indicating that strain CCBAU 65327 T represents a novel species for which we propose the name Mesorhizobium shangrilense sp. nov. Strain CCBAU 65327 T (5LMG 24762 T 5HAMBI 3050 T ) is designated as the type strain, and could nodulate Caragana microphylla, Caragana intermedia, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Astragalus adsurgens, Vigna unguiculata, Vigna radiata and Phaseolus vulgaris in cross-nodulation tests.Caragana is a genus of about 100 species of flowering plants in the family Leguminosae, native to north-eastern Europe, Russia, central Asia, the Himalayas and China. Members of this genus have been introduced into many regions in northern latitudes because of their remarkable cold-and drought-resistant properties and nitrogen-fixing ability. Approximately 70 species have been recorded in China and most of them grow on hills and in gullies, thickets, plains and plateaux (Zhang, 2005). They are ecologically important because they serve as forage resources for wild animals and are preferred plants for use in reforestation against desertification and erosion (Fan et al., 2007;Su et al., 2005). Most of the rhizobia associated with Caragana belong to the genus Mesorhizobium (Chen et al., 1995; Guan et al., 2008;Lu et al., 2009;Yan et al., 2007) and two species, Mesorhizobium tianshanense and Mesorhizobium caraganae, have been described so far (Chen et al., 1995; Guan et al., 2008).During the study of rhizobia nodulating Caragana species from three different regions of China, 144 strains (of a total of 174) were characterized and classified in the genus Mesorhizobium based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, BOX-PCR fingerprinting and SDS-PAGE profiles of wholecell soluble proteins (Lu et al., 2009). Five of the isolates from nodules of Caragana bicolor and Caragana erinacea grown in Yunnan Province of China exhibited distinct characteristics and differed from the known species of Mesorhizobium. Therefore, in the present study these five strains were analysed further and compared with the species within the genus Mesorhizobium on the basis of phenotypic, genotypic, phylogenetic and symbiotic characteristics to determine their species status.Abbreviations...