"flatoxins are a group of naturally occurring carcinogens that are known to contaminate different human and animal food stuffs. "flatoxins are poisonous by-products from soil-borne fungus Aspergillus, which is responsible for the decomposition of plant materials [ -]. The occurrence of aflatoxins foods and food products vary with geographic location, agricultural and agronomic practices. The susceptibility of food product to fungal attack occurs during pre-harvest, transportation, storage, and processing of the foods [ , , , , , ]. The problem of aflatoxin contamination of the food products is a common problem in tropical and subtropical regions of the world especially in the developing countries such as the sub-Saharan countries with poor practices and where the environmental conditions of warm temperatures and humidity favors the growth fungi [ , , , , , ]. The various food products contaminated with aflatoxins include cereals like maize, sorghum, pearl millet, rice and wheat oilseeds such as groundnut, soybean, sunflower and cotton spices like chillies, black pepper, coriander, turmeric and zinger tree nuts such as almonds, pistachio, walnuts and coconut and milk and milk products [ ]. The aflatoxins were initially isolated and identified as the causative agent in Turkey X disease that caused necrosis of the liver in and over , turkeys died in England and US" and the death was attributed to the consumption of a mould-contaminated peanut meal [ , , , , ]. Very high concentrations of aflatoxins are most often found in nutritive seeds such as maize, nuts and cereal grains in "frica and rice in China and Southeast "sia [ , , , -].