2UIliversjtal BremenFachbereiJ:h Geowisseruchaften,
·280Bremen, F.R GemllllfJABST RACT. Four cores Irorn the Ant arcti c conliDC ntaJ margin tcceted between .50 and 200 Icm Irc m the present-day iee·~elf edge, were setected ror sed ime nlologiea l aDd mass spectroeterer analyses..The rU"Sl sta~isotope records of lhe Sou thc:rn Polar Ocean can be correlaled in delail with global isotope st raligra pby. Toget her wiLb magncl OSlratigraphi c, sed ime ntGlogical and micropaleon loklgical dala, the record provides stratigrapbic and paleoceanographic information back 10 lhe JaramiUo Subehron (910 ka). A1tboug.b the isotope values have been alte red by diagenetic processes in the sedi meats, which are poor in c:arbonale , an interpretalion i5 possib le using eorretauoe with the scdirnenlologicaJ parameters, Oxygen isotope data give indicalions ror a meltwat er spike at tbe begi nning of inlerglacial!, when largẽ Ie melting or parts or the ice-shelves took place. The syndrroDous record of lhe ben lhK:and planktit.: 6 C signaJs re£ka oontin uous bottom waler rorm ation also during gbcials.Primary productivity was 5UictJy red uced during glacials due 10 coettescus ice CO\oc rage in lbe Wcddcll Sea. The climatic improwcmenl al the begin ning of an interglacia l is lISSOci:llcd with peak values in biologk adi\;ty lasting Ior about I Styr.During oee climatic cycle , mean sedimentation rates at the continental margin decrease with increasing dislance Irom the continent from S.2 to 13 cm/kyr. Maximum sed imentation rates or 25 cm/kyr at the beginn ing or an intergl acial and minimum .sedime ntation rates of 0.6 cm /kyr during glacial periods have been calcula ted . Th ese rates are main ly controll ed by movements of the ice-shelf edge and ice-rafting.
IntroductionThe An tarcric circumpolar ocean with its extens ive ice-shelves in the WeddeU and Ross Seas, is one of the Earth's prin cipal sources of ocea nic bottom waters and strongly influe nces the global clima te (Foster & Middletcn, 1980
540shelf edge, the sea ice distribution, and oceanographic and biologic processes, related to global climatic changes (Pudsey et aJ., 1988; Futt erer et al., 1988). On the eastern continental margin o f the Wedde U Sea. distinct cycles in the sedimentary environment main ly reflect cha nges in the hydrographic regim e in response 10 the retreat and adva nce of iceshe lves an d sea ice (Grebe, 1986) . Pri or to this study, sedi me nts fro m so uth o f th e present-da y Antarctic Polar Front have not been included in th e co nstr uctio n of Quaternary isotope stratigraphy. because of the paucity of biogenic carbonate (Hays eJ al., 1976; Shackleton, 1977; Imbrie et al ., 1984;Pisias et al., 1984; Prell et al., 1986; Mart inson et al., 1987; Williams er al., 1988). All interpretations of southern high latitude glacial and inlerglacial paleoenvironments to dale (e.g. G robe, 1986; Ledbetter & Ciesielski, 1986; Burekle & Abrams, 1987;Pudsey et al., 1988;Fanerer et al .• 1988) have therefore suffered fro m the lack of detailed, worldwide correla...