The transparent semiconductor ZnO has attracted substantial interest in the research community because of its potential applications as a transparent thin film, [1][2][3] transistor, [4][5][6] optoelectronic devices, [7][8][9] light-emitting diode, [10,11] among others. Another promising, non-inherent property is its roomtemperature ferromagnetism, which was first theoretically predicted to occur through doping with transition magnetic ions such as Fe, Co, or Ni. [12] However, many experimental studies revealed that the observed magnetic order is not related to the doping but certain defects. [13][14][15][16][17] A ferromagnetic ZnO, free of d-elements, opens new opportunities for applications in spintronics. The origin of the defect-induced magnetism (DIM) in defective ZnO samples is not always simple to explain, especially in samples where defects are introduced during the preparation of the samples, like Zn-or O-vacancies [15] or grain boundaries. [18] In these cases, the reproducibility of the magnetic order is low. Also, usual experimental techniques, such as SQUID (superconducting quantum interface device) magnetometry, cannot simply distinguish between defect-induced magnetic signals and those from other sources, like magnetic impurities on the samples or substrates. [19] However, recent theoretical and experimental studies using element-specific magnetic probes like X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) in X-ray absorption spectroscopy [20] strongly suggest that Zn vacancies are the primary origin for the observed magnetic order in this compound. Oxygen vacancies, present in a more significant concentration than Zn vacancies, do not substantially contribute to the magnetic order due to their much smaller magnetic moment.Due to the low mass of thin films and weak magnetic signals (compared to the substrate), standard SQUID magnetometers are not the best choice for the magnetic characterization of ZnO thin films. Accounting for the influence of substrates by performing electrical transport measurements with an applied magnetic field is helpful. The measurement of the magnetoresistance (MR) and Hall effect (HE) [21] are powerful tools to explore the magnetic properties of conducting materials. In the case of MR, the sign of ferromagnetism is the opening of a butterfly-like hysteresis around zero field with extremes at fields corresponding to the coercive fields (H C ). When considering the HE, the appearance of an anomalous nonlinear contribution at low fields, in addition to the opening of a hysteresis with sign changes at fields corresponding to the coercive field, would be the case. We notice, however, that the field hysteresis depends on the coercive field of the investigated sample. Because H C is relatively weak in magnetic ZnO samples, that is, μ 0 Â H C ≤ 0.1 T, [15] high resolution is necessary to measure the hysteresis around zero field in the MR or HE. In general, with the field and temperature dependence of electrical-transport properties, it is possible to