The inter-lamellar matrix (ILM) has an average thickness of less than 30 mm and lies between adjacent lamellae in the annulus fibrosus (AF). The microstructure and composition of the ILM have been studied in various anatomic regions of the disc; however, their contribution to AF mechanical properties and structural integrity is unknown. It was suggested that the ILM components, mainly elastic fibers and cross-bridges, play a role in providing mechanical integrity of the AF. Therefore, the manner in which they respond to different loadings and stabilize adjacent lamellae structure will influence AF tear formation and subsequent herniation. This review paper summarizes the composition, microstructure, and potential role of the ILM in the progression of disc herniation, clarifies the micromechanical properties of the ILM, and proposes critical areas for future studies. There are a number of unknown characteristics of the ILM, such as its mechanical role, impact on AF integrity, and ultrastructure of elastic fibers at the ILM-lamella boundary. Determining these characteristics will provide important information for tissue engineering, repair strategies, and the development of more-physiological computational models to study the initiation and propagation of AF tears that lead to herniation and degeneration. Keywords: inter-lamellar matrix; cross-bridges; annulus fibrosus; elastic fibersThe inter-lamellar matrix (ILM) lies between the lamellae of the annulus fibrosus (AF) of the intervertebral disc and has a thickness of less than 30 mm. The ILM is comprised of four main components: Matrix, cross-bridges, elastic fibers, and cells; however, those components are not restricted to the ILM alone (i.e., cross-bridges are present in the ILM space and cross radially through multiple AF layers). 1-5 ILM failure results in delamination (separation of lamellae) and may be one of the initial stages of herniation and degeneration. 6-8 Knowledge of the ILM structure and mechanical function is important to determining the loading conditions under which the AF is at risk of delamination and subsequent disc disruption and herniation. This understanding of the ILM may lead to the development of improved clinical strategies for disc treatment of herniation and painful degenerative disc disorders.AF delamination and tears, and the associated disc degeneration, are directly related to the structural integrity of the ILM. 9-12 Migration of the NP propagates-under certain circumstances-circumferentially, increasing ILM localized stress and risk of delamination in deep (i.e., inner) AF layers. 8 ILM failure and associated delamination alters ovine spine segment mechanics and causes increased lamellar thickness and vertebral bone volume fraction. 7 On the other hand, delamination may also lead to increased tensile loading within the collagenous AF lamellae components. Therefore, the role of the ILM on the AF microstructural integrity 13 and strength is evident, as mechanical properties of multi-lamellae are different from single ...