Neutron diffraction has been used to measurethe elastic strains in asilicon carbide particle-reinforced aluminum alloy during cyclic plasticity.S trains were recorded in both phases of the material, in sufficient directionst oa llowf or calculation of the internal stresses. The shape misfit stress in the composite was calculated from the macroscopics tress data using an Eshelby-based model. Changes in the misfit stress causedbyplastic deformation can be clearlyobserved. Local plastic anisotropy of the matrix material is also seen and was monitored by comparing results from the two diffraction planes, {111} and {200}, that were measured. The results haveb een comparedt ot hoseo btained using an elasto-plastic self-consistent modeling approach, which shows the evolution of load sharing between the matrix and reinforcement, as well as the origin of the plastic anisotropy strains in the aluminum.