species in hydrates and simple oxides are rather well characterised from their IR, Raman and inelastic neutron points of view. For the H + (H 2 O) species in solid state the variability is well established and assignment remains discussed. The question of the vibrational signature of isolated proton (e.g. the ionic proton, a proton sharing its interaction with more than two acceptors) and its dynamic nature (proton gas, polaron,. . .) is open. H + -containing modified perovskites A(Ba,Sr,. . .) B(Zr,Ce,Ti,. . .) O 3 are potential ceramic membranes for fuel cell and medium temperature water electrolysis (300-800 • C).
Comparison studies of the protonated and non-protonated lanthanide/rare earth-modified perovskites of type Ba(Sr)Zr(Ti)O 3 as well as Al-modified BaTiO 3 show that a broad component centred at 2500 cm −1 is observed after 'proton insertion'. Itsintensity is correlated to the protonic species content as well as to the conductivity of the materials. The mixed nature of this feature is discussed: fluorescence related to the dangling bonds, A, B, C bands or new phenomena related to the ionic protons and associated electronic defect.