We developed a predictive relationship to determine the grazing rate of Brachionus plicatilis at given temperatures and food concentrations; this function could be applied to experimental culturing and aquaculture practices. Grazing experiments were conducted at temperatures between 5°C and 40°C and at food concentrations, of the¯agellate Isochrysis galbana, ranging between $0 and 10 6 ml ±1 . In total, 136 grazing rates were determined, using the prey depletion method, for rotifers acclimated to treatments for 0.5 or 4 h. The response of grazing rate to temperature and food concentration was described using a model that combined a rectangular hyperbolic function for food concentration and a sigmoidal function for temperature. Using nonlinear curve-®tting methods an equation was obtained: G 45 Â F = 159000 F Â0:94= 1 219000 Â T À4:35 , where G is the grazing rate (¯agellates rotifer ±1 min ±1 ), F is the food concentration (¯agellates ml ±1 ), and T is temperature (°C). The equation indicates a maximum grazing rate of $35 prey rotifer ±1 min ±1 , above $4´10 5 prey ml ±1 and 25°C.
IntroductionRotifers are an excellent food source for many ®sh larvae (Lubzens 1987); they may also be major grazers of primary producers (e.g. Hernroth 1983). Speci®cally, the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis has contributed to the successful hatchery production of more than 60 marine ®n®sh and 18 crustacean species (Dhert 1996), and in many countries the success of mass production of marine ®sh larvae is largely dependent on the availability of B. plicatilis (Pillay 1990). The genus Brachionus has a cosmopolitan distribution, in fresh and saline waters, and it is easy to culture; thus Brachionus provides a model experimental organism for practical and theoretical studies of a trophic or ecophysiological nature (Starkweather 1980; Rothhaupt 1990a, b).Considerable data exist for the genus Brachionus (e.g. Starkweather 1980; Lubzens 1987), and much of this work has examined the grazing rate of B. plicatilis (e.g. Rothhaupt 1990a, b; B. Navarro 1999). Like that of many planktonic organisms, the grazing of B. plicatilis is in¯uenced by food concentration (B. Hansen et al. 1997) and temperature (Hirayama and Ogawa 1972;Scott and Baynes 1978;Dhert 1996). Both food concentration and temperature vary under natural conditions and can be controlled when maintaining rotifer cultures. Thus, knowledge of the combined impact of these two factors is needed, for example, for researchers growing experimental organisms, for ef®cient aquaculture practices, and ideally for ecosystem modelling. However, data are lacking on the combined e ect of temperature and food concentration on the grazing rate of B. plicatilis.Independently, temperature and food concentration are two of the main factors a ecting the grazing rate of rotifers (Hirayama and Ogawa 1972;Galkovskaja 1987;Dhert 1996;Navarro 1999). Temperature a ects biological rates directly by altering the rate of chemical reactions, and indirectly by altering viscosity and di usion (Cossins and Bowl...