Introduction. Different definitions of periprocedural myocardial infarction (MI) after PercutaneousCoronary Intervention (PCI) have been provided, but their impact on prognosis remains to be determined. reported a MACE and 1.3% died. After appraisal of SCAI definition, 176 patients were excluded, 3.8% of them with a MACE and 1.4% died, and for those with periprocedural MI, 0.5% experienced a MACE and 0.1% died. Similar low performance was appraised after reclassification of patients from more than 3 of upper limit of CK-MB and of troponin. At multivariate analysis, none of these definitions related to adverse events.
Conclusion.Periprocedural MI represents a frequent complication for patients undergoing PCI. Al present definitions share a still not satisfactory discrimination between patients with and without adverse events at follow up, stressing the need for more accurate definitions.Keywords: percutaneous coronary intervention; periprocedural myocardial infarction; cardiac biomarkers.
INTRODUCTIONCardiac biomarkers elevation may often occur after percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) due to interplay of several mechanisms like coronary occlusion or dissection, distal embolization, slowflow or no-reflow 1 , 2 . The term PCI-related myocardial infarction has been introduced to refer to this pathological finding but many different cut-offs and biomarkers (i.e. CK.MB and Troponins) have been used to define this entity, resulting in a complex and variegated picture. Moreover, while originally associated with a worsened outcome 3 , 4 , many recent reports have failed to show a consistent prognostic value related to PCI-related myocardial infarction, especially when Troponins were used in place of CK-MB 5,6 .As a consequence, to date, no definite conclusions can be drawn about the clinical relevance of procedural-related increases in cardiac biomarkers 7 . In the attempt to address these issues, two variables with and loss of information through Akaike information criterion. Computations were performed with SPSS 21.0 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA).
Study populationA total of 712 patients were included in the present study, 318 (44.7%) of whom with a diagnosis of unstable angina. Baseline characteristics are shown in Highly variable rates of periprocedural MI are described in literature, due to differences in definitions adopted, population characteristics and type and techniques pf PCI performed; thebrates found in our study are similar to those found in other, larger, series 23,24,25 .Any definition tested in our study proved unable to discriminate from the overall population those patients encountering a substantially increased amount of unfavorable events at follow up, even when using the newly introduced definitions from 2012 Task
Study limitationsDue to the retrospective nature of our study, a confirmation on a prospectic cohort of these results is desirable, especially of the new definitions by 2012 Task Force 8 and SCAI 9 . Given limited statistical power of the study, conc...