This research reflects on planning for urban green space and the related impact of informal backyard rental densification in South Africa, based on the 'compensation hypothesis'. Informal backyard dwellings may increase densities substantially, occupying private green space, but often without reciprocal increases in public urban green space area. According to the compensation hypothesis, residents with limited access to private green space are more likely to seek compensation elsewhere. This research employs qualitative and quantitative analyses to investigate access to, and use of green spaces in the Bridgton and Bongolethu townships, Oudtshoorn. Findings disprove the compensation hypothesis, showing that proximate public green spaces are used sporadically, not correlating to increased densities. The number of backyard dwellings does not result in compensation behaviour, but an increased number of backyard tenants affect perceptions of green space availability and privacy. Although the compensation hypothesis is disproved in this case, findings probe the need to reconsider urban green space planning within low-cost areas, particularly considering densification impacts, linked to quality of life. As such, accessibility to public green spaces, as well as their function and form should be questioned as part of broader spatial planning approaches.
Key words:Compensation hypothesis, ecosystem services, informal backyard rentals, urban green space
OORWEEG STEDELIKE GROEN AREAS EN INFORMELE AGTERPLAAS-HUURVERDIGTING IN SUID-AFRIKA: WEERLÊ DIE VERGOEDINGSHIPOTESEHierdie navorsing besin oor die beplanning van stedelike groen areas en die verwante impak van informele agterplaas-huurverdigting in Suid-Afrika, gebaseer op die 'vergoedingshipotese'. Informele agterplaaswonings kan digthede aansienlik verhoog en beset sodoende private groen ruimtes, dikwels sonder wedersydse toenames in openbare stedelike groen areas. Volgens die vergoedingshipotese sal inwoners met 'n beperkte toegang tot private groen ruimte meer geneig wees om vergoeding elders te soek. Hierdie navorsing maak gebruik van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodes om toegang tot, en gebruik van groen areas in die Bridgton-en Bongolethu-areas van Oudtshoorn te ondersoek. Bevindinge weerspreek die vergoedingshipotese en dui daarop dat openbare groen ruimtes hier sporadies gebruik word, dus nie korreleer met verhoogde digtheid nie. Die aantal agterplaaswonings lei nie tot vergoedingsgedrag nie, maar 'n toename in die aantal agterplaashuurders beïnvloed wel persepsies van groen ruimte beskikbaarheid en privaatheid. Hoewel die vergoedingshipotese in hierdie geval weerspreek word, toon bevindings die noodsaaklikheid om stedelike groen-ruimte-beplanning te heroorweeg binne die konteks van lae-koste gebiede, veral met inagneming van die verdigtingsimpak, gekoppel aan lewenskwaliteitoorwegings. As sodanig moet toeganklikheid tot openbare groen ruimtes, asook die funksie en vorm daarvan bevraagteken word as deel van breër ruimtelike beplanningsbenaderings. Atikel...