The Healthy Learner Asthma Initiative (HLAI) was designed as a comprehensive, school-community initiative to improve asthma management and produce healthy learners. National asthma guidelines were translated into components of asthma management in the school setting that defined performance expectations and lead to greater quality and consistency of asthma care. The HLAI incorporated evidence-based practice and introduced the role of the asthma resource nurse. Leadership, capacity building, and strong partnerships among school nurses, students, families, and health care providers were essential to the implementation and sustainability of the HLAI. Professional school nursing and evaluation were defined as key requisites to a successful initiative. Evaluation results indicated positive effects on nursing practice, fewer asthma visits to the health office, and better attendance among students who received asthma care in the school health office. The HLAI provided the basis for development of the Healthy Learner Model for Student Chronic Condition Management.