Introduction. Debatability is considered as a manifestation of dialogism and as one of the conditions for the formation of democratic thinking. The main characteristics of debatability as a principle of teacher education are revealed: realization of the right to formulate one's own professional position and its public discussion; harmonious combination with the main methodological approaches in education; creative and probabilistic character; joint identification of the meanings of pedagogical activity. The preparation of future teachers for the implementation of debatability in the educational process is defined as the modern mission of a professional pedagogical institution. The relationship between the philosophical substantiation of the principle of discussion and its specific implementation in the activities of a teacher of pedagogical disciplines is shown.Materials and Methods. With the use of the theoretical analysis, the properties of the discussion that determine its use in the professional training of future teachers are highlighted. The ideas of students of the pedagogical college about the influence of the role and place of discussion in their professional training were studied and analyzed on the basis of the results of the survey and the products of activity. Also, a conversation was held with fellow teachers about the possibilities of using the discussion. The ranking method made it possible to identify the most effective methods for implementing the principle of discussion in the practice of teaching the academic discipline «Pedagogy».Results. The ideas of future teachers about discussion forms and methods of teaching have been studied. The main methodological methods for implementing the principle of discussion in teacher education are considered. The risks and limits of the application of the discussion are substantiated. The development of debatable forms and methods of teaching is considered as a condition for stimulating professional self-development. Potential directions for improving the professional training of future teachers for mastering the discussion are identified, including the expansion of the use of discussion by students in the course of teaching practice.Discussion and Conclusions. The implementation of the principle of discussion predetermines the rejection of traditional subject-object models of pedagogical education and the transition to a dialogic model. The equality of the main methodological approaches (culturological, dialogic, axiological, activity, anthropological, personal, technological) requires the implementation of their balance in the methodological activity of the teacher. The choice of discussion as a teaching method depends on the value priorities of the teacher. Modern students are ideologically ready to participate in dialogic forms of education. Democratic thinking as a tool for the humanistic worldview of future teachers is one of the main results of the discussion.