Trend analysis is the analysis using statistical models to estimate and predict potential trends over time, space or any independent continuous-variable. It has been widely used in epidemiology and public health, but much less so in clinical oncology and basic cancer research. Methodological imitations of the chosen statistical package also appear to result in biased or less rigorous interrogation of cancer-related data. We thus review the basic statistics of trend analysis, commonly used commands of statistical packages and the common pitfalls of conducting trend analysis. Four free and 3 commercial statistical-packages were discussed in depth, including Joinpoint, Epi info, R package, Python, SAS, Stata and SPSS. We hope that this review could serve as a practical yet concise guide for using statistical packages for trend analysis in translational and clinical oncology, and help improve the scientific rigor of trend analyses in these fields. The guide, however, may also be applied to other research fields.