Magainin oligomers reversibly dissipate DeltamuH in cytochrome oxidase liposomes.Juretic, D.; Hendler, R.W.; Kamp, F.; Caughey, W.S.; Zasloff, M.; Westerhoff, H.V.
Published in: Biochemistry
DOI:10.1021/bi00181a017Link to publication
Citation for published version (APA):Juretic, D., Hendler, R. W., Kamp, F., Caughey, W. S., Zasloff, M., & Westerhoff, H. V. (1994). Magainin oligomers reversibly dissipate DeltamuH in cytochrome oxidase liposomes. Biochemistry, 33, 4562-4570. DOI: 10.1021/bi00181a017
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