I predict that a nanoscopic, high-permittivity layer on the surface of a plasmonic metal can cause total external reflection of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). Such a layer can be used as a mirror in nanoplasmonics, in particular for resonators of nanolasers and spasers and can also be used in adiabatic nanooptics. I also show that the earlier predicted slow propagating SPP modes, especially those with negative refraction, are highly damped.Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) are electromagnetic waves propagating at the surface of a metal or interface between metal and dielectric, see, for example, refs 1 and 2. The SPPs possess many remarkable optical properties. Their wavelength can be significantly smaller than the wavelength in vacuum, and they can propagate long distances in comparison to their wavelength, which can be used in various plasmonic devices including waveguides 3,4 and microscopes. 5 I have introduced nanoconcentration of energy due to slowing and stopping of SPPs in tapered nanoplasmonic waveguides. 6 This effect allows one to transfer energy and coherence from the far zone to the near zone without major losses. I have also proposed the adiabatic transformation of energy in other types of graded nanostructures: a two-layer system with graded dielectric permittivity and a thin dielectric layer with variable thickness over metal. 7 In this system, I have predicted slow propagation and stopping of SPPs. The dielectric layers on the metal systems have been considered earlier as lenses and toy models of black holes. 8 Later, systems consisting of a thin dielectric layer over metal were shown to possess slow SPP propagation in a wide spectral band. 9 In this Letter, I show, in particular, that in this region of the slow SPPs, the imaginary part of the wavevector becomes on the order of its real part, so the propagation is actually absent. Therefore, even for the best plasmonic metals such as silver, this effect of slow propagation cannot actually be used in most applications envisioned in ref 9. The physical cause of this phenomenon is that in the region of slow propagation the electric fields of the SPPs are concentrated in the metal, which leads to the anomalously high losses.Even more important, I predict that besides this disappointing property, there is a new, interesting effect with significant potential applications in such systems, which has been overlooked before: total external reflection of SPPs.