We report the first experimental observation of irregular picosecond light pulses within the coherence collapse of a semiconductor laser subject to delayed moderate optical feedback. This pulsing behavior agrees with the recent explanation of low frequency fluctuations as chaotic itinerancy with a drift. Theory and experiments show very good agreement. PACS numbers: 42.65.Sf, 05.45.+b, 42.55.Px Delayed feedback-induced instabilities have been studied since the late 1970s in various dynamical systems. Besides these very early interests they are nowadays of particular interest because of their intrinsic high dimensionality and, related to that, their rich variety of dynamical phenomena [1]. Optical systems have played an important role for these investigations, and have boosted the interest in high-dimensional nonlinear dynamics [2][3][4].A very popular delay system is the semiconductor laser subject to external optical feedback, because of its high sensitivity to external signals [5]. Semiconductor lasers show a sudden increase in their spectral linewidth from about 100 MHz to typically several tens of GHz for delay times not much smaller than the relaxation oscillation period and for moderate feedback levels. This phenomenon has been called coherence collapse [6], and has attracted a lot of research (e.g., [7-11]).One dynamical phenomenon within the coherence collapse regime frequently attributed to is the so-called low frequency fluctuations phenomenon (LFF). It refers to fluctuations in the emitted light intensity with distinctly lower frequencies in comparison to the underlying relaxation oscillation frequencies and mode beating frequencies [12 -14]. Recently, LFF has been explained as chaotic itinerancy with a drift [15]. This theory predicts erratic picosecond pulsing of the output power. In this paper we give experimental evidence confirming these predictions. We do this by comparing measured intensity pulses with pulse trains obtained by numerical modeling. The very good agreement supports the recent identification of the essential physical mechanism leading to the LFF behavior.The dynamics of a single-mode semiconductor laser subject to moderate amounts of optical feedback from an external reflection is modeled by the following delaydifferential rate equations [5]:Here we have written the complex optical field as E ͑t͒ E͑t͒ exp͑iv 0 t͒ p P͑t͒ exp͑iv 0 t͒, where v 0 is the optical angular frequency of the stand-alone (solitary) laser, P͑t͒ is the photon number, and n͑t͒ is the excess number of electron-hole pairs with respect to the solitary value N 0 . The parameters in (1a) and (1b) have their usual meaning: j is the bulk differential gain, e accounts for gain saturation, a is the linewidth enhancement factor, G 0 is the inverse photon lifetime, pJ th is the electrical pump current (J th is its value at threshold), and T 1 is the electron-hole pair lifetime. The feedback is accounted for via the delay time t and the feedback rate g. The dimensionless effective feedback strength is defined as C ϵ gt p...