Abstract. Level density fluctuations are calculated within the generalized interacting boson model proposed for even-even nuclei, in dependence on the truncation parameter ~c. For the case z=2 corresponding to the SU(3) dynamical symmetry of the interacting boson model the fluctuation pattern is close to Poissonian. For cases z r 2, including the anharmonic vibrator model for which z = oo, a rapid transition to the fluctuation pattern close to GOE is obtained. PACS: 24.60.Ky; 21.60.Ev; 21.60.Fw Fluctuations of the energy level density in quantum systems have received much attention in recent years [1][2][3]. This interest is mostly due to the conjecture expressed by Bohigas et al. [4] stating that the distribution of the level spacings within the quantum energy spectrum reflects the nature of the corresponding classical system. According to this conjecture, the systems exhibiting the regular behaviour in the classical limit, have the Poissonian distribution of the quantum energy levels, and the quantum systems whose classical counterparts behave chaotically conform to the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE, Wigner) type of the level spacing distribution.A number of recent investigations made it clear that there are many quantum systems which belong to the intermediate class, exhibiting a pattern lying between the two limits [3,5,6]. The importance of an interaction parameter controlling the transition between Poisson and GOE limits has been stressed in different contexts [7,8]. It has also been emphasized that the absence of the coupling results in a high degree of degeneracy and leads to a pattern exceeding the values of the Poisson limit [9,10].All of the mentioned features are typical also for the nuclear spectra [11]. The transition from regularity to chaos -in the sense of the conjecture of Bohigas et al. -has been clearly identified both in the experimental level spacings [12][13][14][15][16] and in the model calculations for the realistic nuclei [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. It can be summarized in the statement that the realistic nuclear spectra are intermediate between Poisson and GOE type of fluctuations, showing the tendency to be closer to the GOE limit. The role of collectivity in this tendency is currently being investigated.In the present paper we investigate the level density fluctuations of spectra for even-even nuclear systems described by the generalized interacting boson model (generalized truncated quadrupole-boson model), which will be referred to as the GTQM model. The GTQM Hamiltonian in the quadrupole boson representation reads , h4L[(b + b2+)L(s163 9 L=0,2,4 (1)Here, b+u and b2u denote the creation and annihilation operators, respectively, of the quadrupole bosons, Ho=hlN. These can be denoted as INvI) where N is the quadrupole boson number, I stands for the angular momentum and v is an additional quantum number necessary in some cases to distinguish between the states of the same/. We consider the truncation function operator f (N) defined as