Understanding the complex, non-linear ways in which linked ecological and geomorphological systems respond to disturbance is important to improving both theoretical understanding and practical environmental management. Some simple conceptual models have been proposed to describe biogeomorphological responses to disturbance within fluvial and aeolian environments, and are reviewed here. Recent research on the interactions between ecological and geomorphological processes in rock breakdown, aeolian, hillslope, fluvial and coastal wetland process regimes indicates a number of additional factors which need to be considered by such models in order to provide a more realistic representation. In particular, many empirical studies point to complex interactions between vegetation, microphytic crusts and animal action (bioturbation and grazing) in a wide range of sediment systems, which act as intrinsic feedback factors complicating the response of these systems to disturbances such as climate change and human action. Improved understanding of these interactions will help effective environmental management, as exemplified by salt marsh restoration schemes. Furthermore, better specification of biogeomorphological interactions can provide insights into large-scale, long-term Earth systems dynamics problems such as the long-term carbon cycle.A simple model representing how geomorphological systems respond to disturbance (e.g. storm events, climate change, human activities) is shown in Figure 1. This model illustrates that geomorphological systems do not respond in a simple, linear fashion to disturbance, but that there are both lags and different response rate characteristics to forcing factors. One factor group (often described as feedback or intrinsic factors, e.g. Allen, 2000) which influences lag times and response rates is ecological change, such as vegetation growth and decay. All biotic influences on geomorphological processes can be seen to have either a stabilizing effect (i.e. reducing erosion and other processes through what some workers call 'bioprotection') or a destabilizing effect (i.e. enhancing erosion and other geomorphological processes) as shown in Table I. Biotic stabilization effects lead to negative feedbacks within geomorphological systems, whereas destabilization through biotic processes produces positive feedbacks. Understanding the operation of such stabilizing and destabilizing effects and how they interact with abiotic processes is vital for a fuller understanding of the response of geomorphological systems to disturbance.Looking at things from an ecological systems point of view, geomorphological processes can be seen to produce positive and negative feedbacks on ecosystem response to disturbance as illustrated in Table II. In some cases, geomorphological processes have stabilizing or destabilizing roles depending on their rate relative to the rate of plant growth, or animal activity. However, the picture is further complicated by interactions within ecological systems, e.g. grazing impacts on ve...