We present in this paper the nucleotidic sequence of the FUR4 gene encoding the uracil permease in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The deduced amino acid sequence of the permease has 633 residues; it consists of many hydrophobic stretches, only the N-terminal and C-terminal ends of the protein (about 100 and 50 amino acids respectively) being mostly hydrophilic. No N-terminal hydrophobic signal peptide is present, although it is shown in this work that the biosynthesis of the uracil permease goes through the secretion/glycosylation pathway. Using the results of three different methods, allowing the prediction of transmembrane a helices in proteic sequences, we drew a model of folding of the permease in the membrane.In yeast many specific permeases have been characterized both by genetic and physiological analysis [I, 21. The lunetic properties of this kind of protein, analysed in microorganisms (where the lactose permease of Escherichia coli deserves special mention [3,4]) and in mammalian cells, led to the formulation of phenomenological models of functioning where the concept of a 'carrier' was developed, but the mechanisms of transport at molecular level are poorly understood. This requires a knowledge of structure and organization of the carrier protein. Unfortunately in microorganisms where the genetic approach is feasible, the biochemical and structural analysis of such proteins lags much behind the physiological and genetic analysis owing to both their low concentration in the plasma membrane and their physicochemical properties.Molecular cloning of the gene, allowing genetic amplification and DNA sequencing, is one way to gain insight into the protein circumventing the isolation of the protein as a first stage. Indeed molecular cloning of the lactose permease of E. coli allowed both determination of the primary structure by DNA sequencing and, thanks to overexpression of the cloned gene, purification of the lactose permease. Also the DNAs coding for the human glucose transporter [5] and murine erythrocyte anion-exchange protein [6] were sequenced leading to the complete elucidation of the primary structure of the proteins. In Saccharomyes cerevisiae the DNA sequences of two amino acid permeases were recently published [7-91. In our laboratory two permeases specific for pyrimidine uptake, namely the uracil permease and the purine-cytosine permease, have been previously described [lo, 111. The genes coding for these permeases were cloned [12, 131 and the nucleotide sequence of these genes determined. This paper presents the sequence of the uracil permease translated from the unique reading frame found for the gene. Features of the primary structure of the protein are shown. Use was made of proteinstructure prediction programs and this led to the proposal of a working model of the protein structure, which will be discussed.
Strains and mediaYeast strains are isogenic derivatives of the wild-type strain FLIOO (F. Lacroute), except for GRF18 (a gift from G. R. Fink, M. I. T., Cambr...