Temperature-sensitive yeast mutants defective in gene CDC24 continued to grow (i .e ., increase in cell mass and cell volume) at restrictive temperature (36°C) but were unable to form buds . Staining with the fluorescent dye Calcofluor showed that the mutants were also unable to form normal bud scars (the discrete chitin rings formed in the cell wall at budding sites) at 36°C; instead, large amounts of chitin were deposited randomly over the surfaces of the growing unbudded cells. Labeling of cell-wall mannan with fluorescein isothiocyanateconjugated concanavalin A suggested that mannan incorporation was also delocali-Zed in mutant cells grown at 36°C. Although the mutants have well-defined execution points just before bud emergence, inactivation of the CDC24 gene product in budded cells led both to selective growth of mother cells rather than of buds and to delocalized chitin deposition, indicating that the CDC24 gene product functions in the normal localization of growth in budded cells as well as in unbudded cells.Growth of the mutant strains at temperatures <36°C revealed allele-specific differences in behavior . Two strains produced buds of abnormal shape during growth at 33°C. Moreover, these same strains displayed abnormal localization of budding sites when grown at 24°C (the normal permissive temperature for the mutants) ; in each case, the abnormal pattern of budding sites segregated with the temperature sensitivity in crosses.Thus, the CDC24 gene product seems to be involved in selection of the budding site, formation of the chitin ring at that site, the subsequent localization of new cell wall growth to the budding site and the growing bud, and the balance between tip growth and uniform growth of the bud that leads to the normal cell shape .Cellular morphogenesis is the process by which cellular form and spatial organization are generated . During the cell division cycle of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cellular morphogenesis includes the following sequential events : (a) selection of a nonrandom site at which budding will occur (1,14,23,25, 41,46) ; (b) formation of a ring of chitin (the "bud scar") in the largely nonchitinous cell wall at that site (24, 34) ; (c) localization of new cell wall growth to the region bounded by the chitin ring, resulting in the appearance and selective growth of a bud (10,11,22,27,28); (d) localization of new cell wall growth to the tip of the growing bud (l0, 11, 27, 43); (e) cytokinesis and the formation of septal cell wall (6, 43) . In addition, it seems that periods of uniform growth of the bud cell wall precede and follow the period of tip growth (11) ; presumably, the relative amounts of tip growth and of uniform growth are adjusted to yield the normal ellipsoidal shape of the daughter cell (10, 11) .