Electrical steel (ES) plays an important role in the design of magnetic circuit cores of electrical machines. Separating specific total loss into components is an excellent tool for loss analysis in ES. As is commonly accepted, the specific total loss is separated into three components: hysteresis and both classical and additional eddy current loss components. In addition, the conventional grainoriented (GO) ES presents the strong anisotropy of magnetic properties, due to the (110) [001] Goss texture, with [001] the easiest direction [parallel to rolling direction (RD)], with intermediate [011] and magnetically worst [111] directions, at angles x = 0°, 90°, and about 54°to RD, respectively. However, magnetization angles 0°< x < 54°and 54°< x < 90°also play a very important role in the research of specific total loss components. The angular properties of specific total loss under axial magnetization in GO ES should be most preferably evaluated by the use of single-sheet tester with specimens cut at different angles with respect to RD. This paper demonstrates, in the quantitative way, the dependence of hysteresis P h and additional eddy current P a specific total loss components on Goss texture. In addition, the results obtained justify the division of specific total loss and its components in two flux density regions: below B m ≤ 1 T (the lower region) and above B m > 1 T (the upper region). This paper is intended to offer a better understanding of phenomena that cause magnetic anisotropy, i.e., different Goss textures.Index Terms-Additional loss factor, classical and additional eddy current loss components, electrical steel (ES), Goss texture, hysteresis loss component, loss separation, specific total loss.