The performance of semiconductor radiation detectors is a function of electronic properties which are in turn related to crystallographic quality. In this paper we used devices from <100> and <110> growth regions of several different HgI 2 crystals grown by the PVD method. We measured I/V characteristics of HgI 2 devices over the range of +/-1000V. Voltages were ramped at different rates and at a range of temperatures (-70 o C to +20 o C) and the dark current decreased with temperature. Several devices exhibited negative differential resistance indicating field enhanced trapping and/or the formation of high-field domains. These devices exhibited NDR at both positive and negative voltages and it was observed that the current peak reduced with repeated cycling of positive bias indicating the reduction of carriers with time. After applying a negative bias, the current peak on the positive bias increased dramatically indicating that the traps were repopulated. These experimental results were modeled with several analytical expressions of conduction processes, considering both semiconductor and insulator models, e.g., FrenkelPoole, Schottky, and space-charge-limited emission, toward lending insight to mechanisms resulting in HgI 2 detector conditioning.