We revisit the problem of Q-colourings of the triangular lattice using a mapping onto an integrable spin-one model, which can be solved exactly using Bethe Ansatz techniques. In particular we focus on the low-energy excitations above the eigenlevel g 2 , which was shown by Baxter to dominate the transfer matrix spectrum in the Fortuin-Kasteleyn (chromatic polynomial) representation for Q 0 ≤ Q ≤ 4, where Q 0 = 3.819 671 · · · . We argue that g 2 and its scaling levels define a conformally invariant theory, the so-called regime IV, which provides the actual description of the (analytically continued) colouring problem within a much wider range, namely Q ∈ (2, 4]. The corresponding conformal field theory is identified and the exact critical exponents are derived. We discuss their implications for the phase diagram of the antiferromagnetic triangular-lattice Potts model at non-zero temperature. Finally, we relate our results to recent observations in the field of spin-one anyonic chains.