Student achievement is one of the strongest indicators of future earnings. However, in South Africa, there is a continuous achievement gap between students of different races and socioeconomic classes, with more minority and low-income learners underperforming than their wealthier counterparts. These achievement inequalities are caused by several factors, but school-related ones, including curriculum changes, changes to class size, accessibility to technology, teacher preparation, and experience, have the biggest impact and are the easiest to address through policy changes. Nevertheless, teacher quality, which is an important school resource input that can influence student achievement effectively and positively, is sometimes challenging. Thus, given that there are numerous ways to gauge a teacher’s quality, this chapter examines how characteristics such as teacher experience, academic qualification, and pedagogical content knowledge contribute to learner achievement in two rural South African Universities. Research findings revealed that teachers’ experience, academic qualification, and pedagogical content knowledge contribute to teacher quality, significantly impacting learners’ academic achievement, given that these factors enhance the teacher’s ability to engage learners, effectively deliver instruction, and facilitate meaningful learning experiences.