We construct complexes P 1 n of Soergel bimodules which categorify the Young idempotents corresponding to one-column partitions. A beautiful recent conjecture [12] of Gorsky-Rasmussen relates the Hochschild homology of categorified Young idempotents with the flag Hilbert scheme. We prove this conjecture for P 1 n and its twisted variants. We also show that this homology is also a certain limit of Khovanov-Rozansky homologies of torus links. Along the way we obtain several combinatorial results which could be of independent interest. Definition 1.1. Let R → P ∨ 1 n denote an injective resolution of R, thought of as a graded R ⊗ R W R-module.We note for future reference that R ⊗ R W R is self-injective. The complex P ∨ 1 n is graded infinite, being supported in all non-negative homological degrees. This complex categorifies the one-column Young symmetrizer in a sense explained below.Let Ch(R-mod-R) denote the category of complexes of finitely generated, graded (R, R)-bimodules. Our first main theorem says that P ∨ 1 n is related to a certain braid group action on Ch(R-mod-R). Associated to each n-strand braid,denote the Rouquier complex associated to the (positive) full twist braid. Then {FT ⊗k } ∞ k=0 , after the appropriate grading shifts, can be made into a direct system with homotopy colimit P ∨ 1 n . Remark 1.3. Dually, one may consider a complex P 1 n which is defined to be a projective resolution P 1 n → R viewed as a graded R ⊗ R W R-module. Analogously, if we let FT −1 denote the Rouquier complex of the negative full twist braid then {(FT −1 ) ⊗k } ∞ k=0 can made into an inverse system with homotopy limit P 1 n , after the appropriate grading shifts. We will prove in §2.6 that the duality functor (·) ∨ : Ch(R-mod-R) → Ch(R-mod-R) sends P 1 n to P ∨ 1 n . Our notation prefers complexes which are bounded above, in order to be consistent with [15]. However, in this paper the complex P ∨ 1 n is often nicer than P 1 n , since P ∨ 1 n is an algebra in the homotopy category K + (R-mod-R), while P 1 n is a coalgebra. This is discussed in Remark 1.13. The algebra structure makes writing our following main results easier. See Example 4.13 for a sample computation in the non-dual, n = 2 case.Let us recall the construction of Khovanov and Rozansky's triply-graded link homology given in [17]. Hochschild cohomology of bimodules defines a functor HHH from Ch(R-mod-R) to the category of triply-graded vector spaces, and HHH(F (β)) is a well-defined invariant of the oriented linkβ, up to isomorphism and overall shift of triply-graded vector spaces. This invariant is called Khovanov-Rozansky homology, hereafter referred to as KR homology.Remark 1.4. Actually, in [17] the results are stated in terms of Hochschild homology. In this paper, as in [15], we prefer Hochschild cohomology to Hochschild homology; there is not much difference since for polynomial rings the two are isomorphic up to regrading. Our convention will ensure that HHH applied to our projector is a graded commutative algebra, rather than an algebra up to regrad...