"Scotta" is a liquid waste deriving from Ricotta cheese production, which is wrongly considered only a dairy by-product. In this work, with the aim to elucidate the presence of valuable bioactive compounds in Buffalo's Scotta, a peptide fraction under 3000 Da was isolated by ultra-filtration, purified by solid-phase extraction, and, subsequently, characterized in detail by liquid chromatography coupled to Orbitrap mass spectrometry. Analytical results revealed a complex profile, leading to the identification of 226 peptides, belonging to alpha, beta, and kappa caseins. A database-driven search approach was used to assess the biological effects of some of the identified peptides. A wide range of healthy properties was ascribed to the encrypted peptides, comprising antihypertensive, antimicrobial, immunomodulating, opioid, antioxidant, and antithrombotic. The peptidomic profile of Scotta was Dairy Sci. & Technol. (2016) 96:763-771 DOI 10.1007/s13594-016-0297-y Electronic supplementary