Asphalt industry finds itself battling ongoing economic difficulties and an urge to achieve a more sustainable development and growth. it means constant searching is needed for alternative materials and possibilities to use recycled and processed waste materials in asphalt mixes as long as an expected level of performance and durability is provided. Aluminium dross is a recyclable by-product of the casting process of melted aluminium. in this study an attempt was made to reveal the potentials of using aluminium dross as filler for asphalt wearing course mixes. During the research, filler fractions (d<0.063 mm) were prepared by milling and microstructural tests were conducted both on the alternative and control filler for a better understanding of the materials and their composition. the effect of replacing limestone filler with aluminium dross filler on the performance of asphalt mixes was analysed by performance-based and performance related asphalt mechanical tests according to common standards. in the paper, the properties of fillers and various mechanical test results are presented and by interpreting the tests and results final conclusions are presented regarding the use of aluminium dross as filler in asphalt mixes. keywords: asphalt, aluminium dross, filler, rheology, stiffness kulcsszavak: aszfalt, alumínium salak, töltőanyag, reológia, merevség member of the member of the Hungarian scientific Association for transport bella UDvarDi, bSc Graduated in 2017 as material engineer, Bsc. currently working on her msc diploma work.