Twenty-two neutral 0-linked oligosaccharides ranging from monosaccharides to octasaccharides were identified in bovine submaxillary-gland-mucin glycoprotein by a combination of liquid secondary-ion mass spectrometry, methylation analysis and 'H-NMR. Only five of these have been previously detected in bovine submaxillary-gland mucin although several have been described from other sources of mucin. The structures include short linear sequences 3-linked to N-acetylgalactosaminitol (GalNAcol) and branched structures based on either a GlcNAc(p1-6)[Gal(p1-3)IGalNAcol or GlcNAc(B1 -6)[GlcNAc(pl-3)IGalNAcol core region. Oligosaccharides not previously characterised from any source were the disaccharide GalNAcal -6GalNAcol (GalNAc, N-acetylgalactosamine and the hexasaccharide GlcNAc(p1-6){GalNAc (al-Oligosaccharides of the blood-group-A type have not been detected previously in bovine submaxillary-gland mucin although their occurrence on bovine gastric-mucosal glycoproteins has been established by classical immunochemical studies.Bovine submaxillary-gland mucin (BSM) was among the first mucin glycoproteins to be purified and studied [l -51. Early structural investigations of its 0-linked carbohydrate chains (E 70% of the mass) indicated a predominance of the acidic disaccharide NeuAc(a2 -6)GalNAc [6 -81. Later, the presence of galactose, L-fucose (Fuc) and/or N-acetylglucosamine [9] was detected in addition to N-acetylneuraminic acid and N-acetylgalactosaminitol, consistent with the occurrence of longer chains and more complex oligosaccharides in BSM. This has been confirmed by studies on acidic oligosaccharides [lo-131.Neutral oligosaccharides comprise approximately one fifth of the total oligosaccharides and five structures have been characterised previously [lo]. In the present study a more comprehensive analysis of neutral oligosaccharides released from BSM by Carlson degradation [14] has been made by a combination of liquid secondary-ion mass spectrometry (LSIMS), GC-MS and 'H-NMR, to establish the range of structures present and allow comparison with other mucins. The results show greater diversity of chains than previously reported, among which are a series of oligosaccharides with blood-group-A-rela ted sequences.
Preparation and isolation of BSM neutral oligosaccharide alditolsBSM, prepared by a procedure essentially as described by Tettamanti and Pigman [3], was purchased from Sigma Chemical Co., Dorset, England (Type 1-S).Oligosaccharides were released from BSM by the digestion procedure of Carlson [14]. In brief, BSM (450 mg) was incubated with 0.05 M NaOH/1.0 M NaBH, (20 ml) for 16 h at 45°C. After acidification to pH 5 by addition of acetic acid/ H 2 0 (1 : 1, by vol.), the reaction mixture was passed through a column of ion-exchange resin (Bio-Rad) with a 15 ml lower bed containing AG 50W-X2 (H' form) and a 20 ml upper bed containing AG 50W-X8 (H' form), and washed with four column volumes of HzO. The combined effluent and washes were lyophilized and the boric acid removed by co-ev...