Although the amino acid sequence of the 9 kDa (phospho)protein of chloroplasts has been determined, the function of this thylakoid membrane protein in photosynthetic electron transport and the reason for its physiological control remains unclear. In this paper, I briefly review the evidence which indicates that the phosphorylation of the 9 kDa protein results in a partial inhibition of photosynthetic oxygen evolution by increasing the stability of the semiquinone bound to QA the primary, plastoquinone‐binding site of photosystem II (PS II). I propose that in its dephosphorylated state, the 9 kDa thylakoid membrane protein may serve PS II to ensure efficient photochemical charge separation by aiding the transfer of reducing equivalents out of the reaction centre to the attendant plastoquinone pool. This function is analogous to that proposed for the H‐subunit of the reaction centre of photosynthetic eubacteria. Whether these two proteins have evolved from a common ancestral reaction centre protein is discussed in the light of a comparison of their amino acid sequences and predicted secondary structures.