10Alpha toxin (AT) is a cytolytic pore-forming toxin that plays a key role in Staphylococcus 11 aureus pathogenesis, consequently extensive research was undertaken to understand the AT 12 mechanism of action and its utility as a target for novel prophylaxis and treatment strategies 13 against S. aureus infections. MEDI4893 (Suvratoxumab) is a human anti-AT IgG1 monoclonal 14 antibody (mAb), which targets AT and is currently in Phase 2 clinical development. As shown 15 previously, the MEDI4893-binding epitope on AT is comprised of the highly conserved amino 16 acid regions 177-200 and 261-271, suggesting these amino acids are important for AT function. 17 To test this hypothesis, and gain insight into the effect mutations in the epitope on AT 18 neutralization by MEDI4893, nine MEDI4893 contact residues in AT were individually mutated 19 to alanine. Consistent with our hypothesis, 8 out of 9 mutants exhibited >2-fold loss in lytic 20 activity resulting from a defect in cell binding and pore formation. MEDI4893 binding affinity 21 was reduced >2-fold (2 -27-fold) for 7 out of 9 mutants and no binding detected for W187A 22 mutant. MEDI4893 effectively neutralized all of the lytic mutants in vitro and in vivo. When the 23 defective mutants were introduced into a S. aureus clinical isolate, the mutant-expressing strains 24 exhibited less severe disease in mouse models and were effectively neutralized by MEDI4893.
25These results indicate the MEDI4893 epitope is highly conserved due, in part to its role in AT 26 pore-formation and bacterial fitness, thus decreasing the likelihood for the emergence of mAb-27 resistant variants. Join Marriott Rewards today >> 28 29 30 31 Importance 32Increasing incidence of antibiotic resistant bacteria and desire to protect the healthy microbiome 33 raises the need for testing alternative strategies of antibacterial therapy such as immunotherapy. 34 We previously generated the human monoclonal antibody, MEDI4893 (Suvratoxumab), against 35 secreted alpha toxin (AT), a key virulence factor for Staphylococcus aureus pathogenesis, 36 currently in clinical testing for prevention of S. aureus pneumonia. The AT sequence is well 37 conserved among clinical isolates including the nine MEDI4893 contact residues on AT. To 38 better understand their role on AT function and mAb neutralizing activity, we tested the effect of 39 mutations in the nine contact residues in vitro and in vivo lytic activity and disease severity.
40Several mutants exhibited reduced activity in vitro and in vivo, but none escaped MEDI4893 41 neutralization. These data demonstrate the conserved MEDI4893 epitope is essential for AT 42 lytic activity and bacterial fitness, therefore providing a hurdle to the emergence of MEDI4893 43 resistant variants. 44 45 46 47 48 52The spread of antibiotic resistance along with a better understanding of the adverse 53 effects broad-spectrum antibacterial therapy has on the beneficial microbiome have led to the 54 exploration of alternative approaches to antibacterial therapy including...