POMĚNKOVÁ, J., KAPOUNEK, S., MARŠÁLEK, R.: Comparison of methodological approaches to identify economic activity regularities in transition economy. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2011, LIX, No. 7, pp. 283-292 Presented paper focuses on consideration and evaluation of methodical approaches to analyze cyclical structure character of economic activity in transition economy. As a starting point, work in time domain is applied, which is followed in frequency domain approach. Both approaches are viewed from methodical as well as application point of view and their advantage and disadvantage are discussed. Consequently, time-frequency domain approach is added and applied on real data. On the basis of obtained results recommendation is formulated. All discussed methodical approaches are also considered from the perspective of capability to evaluate behaving of business cycle in time of global economic crisis before/a er year 2008. The empirical part of the paper deals with data of gross domestic product in the Czech Republic in 1996/Q1-2010/Q2. cyclical structure, time domain, frequency domain, time-frequency domain, business cycleThe issue of modeling the economic cycle is the most important for the stabilizing function of economic policy. Identifi cation of the diff erent phases of cyclical fl uctuations in economic activity, including the turning points is crucial not only for implementation of monetary and fi scal policy at the level of national economies, but also in the broader context of economic integration process, especially from the perspective of the theory of optimum currency areas (the OCA). The rate of accuracy of identifi cation of cyclical fl uctuations in economic activity, including the turning points increases the monetary and fi scal policy implementation effi ciency, especially symmetric and asymmetric shocks identifi cation for optimal monetary and fi scal interactions across the Eurozone. This topic is at the forefront of economists' interests especially in the context of joining euro and monetary policy effi cacy.As Fidrmuc and Korhonen (2006) showed in their meta-analysis, there are several diff erent approaches for measuring the synchronization of economic cycles or their movements which provides diff erent results. Consequently, the key question is based on the economic cycle defi nition.The rational explanation for cyclical movements in economic activity may be found in shi ing demand and supply curves. This process leads to wage, investments and technology diff erentials between the sectors in the economy. The economic agents want to achieve high profi t at low risk. They are constantly seeking profi t which appears. Therefore the agents diversifi ed their investments according to their expectations. This process is persistent in market economies and helps the optimal sources effi ciency. Transition economies, which include the Czech Republic, changed from the centrally planned economies to the free market economies. These economies have undergone economic