Consider the linear partial differential equation P (z, ∂ z )u(z) = f (z) in C d+1 , where f (z) is not holomorphic on K = {z 0 = 0}, but it has an asymptotic expansion with respect to z 0 as z 0 → 0 in some sectorial region. We show under some conditions on P (z, ∂ z ) that there exists a solution u(z) which has an asymptotic expansion of the same type as that of f (z). §0. Introduction Let P (z, ∂ z ) be a linear partial differential operator with holomorphic coefficients in a neighborhood Ω of z = 0 in C d+1 and K = {z 0 = 0}. Consider the equationwhere f (z) is holomorphic except on K, but f (z) has an asymptotic expansion f (z) ∼ n f n (z )z n 0 as z 0 → 0 in some sectorial region with respect to z 0 . In the present paper we study the existence of solutions. Firstly we remark that if we require nothing about the behavior of u(z) near K, there exists a solution u(z) with singularities on K under some conditions on the principal symbol of P (z, ∂ z ). But the singularities of u(z) may be much stronger than those of f (z) (see [1], [2], [5] and [9]).